Sunday, September 28, 2014


Yesterday was our Pride Fest and what a beautiful day it was! We showed up early and Joe and I didn't hang out very long. I have mid-terms this week and the pressure is on to do extremely well. Xander stayed for just about the whole thing and had a great time.

Also, after getting the gender change court order I was itching to get in and amend his birth certificate. I waited a couple of weeks because I knew the court had to internally send the order to Vital Records before they would do anything. Luckily when I went in last Thursday, they had everything they needed and cut me a new birth certificate right on the spot. What a relief to finally have this done. Now, he will be able to get EVERYTHING else changed without any issue. The birth certificate is the ONE THING everyone asks for. So now we have to get started on new military ID, insurance, the college 529 plan, dental, Eye Med, and probably a few more I am not thinking of right now. 

Medically, he's still having anxiety about shot day. He switched from Monday mornings before school to Sunday nights so he wouldn't feel so much "pressure" to get it done quick. The next time we go in to see the Endo I am definitely going to bring up maybe switching to another method. I think the higher dosage we started a few weeks ago has finally started to work on stopping his cycle. We had the PMS buildup but so far nothing else. I guess that's a good thing, I mean except for the PMS part. Ha!

Xander's Re-Play of the Day
baauer- Dum Dum

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our day in court.

Our day in court. ( Really, more like 10 minutes.)

So the original date had been cancelled because our judge had an emergency. Ok. The date was re-scheduled to today.  Getting the 3 of us in one place, at one time, in the middle of the week? Well, it takes work. We all made it and I brought every scrap of paper pertaining to Xander that I thought they could ask for...just in case. The 11:30 case didn't show up and we were early so, we got in before noon. Long story short. He wasn't the nicest judge. He gave us those judgy, over-the-glasses looks when he asked if we were okay with this. He didn't try to hide his feelings one bit. I wanted to scream at him. But I didn't because that wouldn't have done any good. He granted the request. That's all we wanted. Alexander is now officially a DUDE! On paper and everything. I'm so relieved that this part is over. Seriously. Damn.

In other news, everything else is going well. Xander has pretty much healed from the surgery. He started school as a guy and even uses the mens bathrooms with no issue. He and Taylor are still together and travel back and forth on the weekends to visit. He's slipped into being a pretty normal teenage guy.

Richmond PrideFest is coming up on the 27th on Brown's Island. We're all looking forward to it. It's going to be our first year going! Yay!

Well, I'm afraid graduate school is eating my brain and what little free time I have left so my posts may become fewer and farther in-between. Sorry, its life. 

Xander's Re-Play of the Day
Meghan Trainor ~ All About That Bass

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Just a note


- Gender change court date changed to Sept. 9. Disappointing, but shit happens.
- School started this last Tuesday and Xander did pretty well. Of course we knew "some certain people" would give him a hard time but he's managing it well.
- After meeting with the brain doc, he has decided to start weaning Xander off of his seizure med. Down from 4 pills a day to 2 and so far, so good.

I promise to give a better update once we have our court date.