Yes. We have anger. We have increased irritability. I guess this means the testosterone is working, right?! Fan-tas-tic. The down side would be....more of "the mood swinging". So not nice. And because we have just begun the process, he is coming up on another CYCLE. Now these were horrific without added hormones, I am so looking forward to the head explosions that will occur with the double your pleasure hormone load. ( that was sarcasm, in case you missed it) And what great timing too! My mom and dad will be here in two weeks and neither one has had the pleasure of the new and improved Alex yet. I hate to forecast but I can see feelings getting hurt and misunderstandings galore. I'll be sure to keep a fire extinguisher on hand.
Thank goodness Spring Break is over! I am no cruise director and I tend to get resentful and just plain pissed off when I am DRIVING for 75% of the damn day. I can't wait till this kid gets a license and finally understands that the car doesn't run on magic. Gas costs money and money needs to be earned. I imagine his travels will be stymied once he has to buy his own magic. Hehe.
Nothing new or exciting this week. His next Shot will be the 28th. Only 3 more group therapy sessions ( which we are both happy about, for different reasons) and then he will continue to see his regular therapist probably bi-weekly.

We bleached him blonde. Also, he decided he didn't want the snakebites anymore so he took them out.
Alex's re-play of the day
DJ Snake& Lil Jon ~ Turn Down for What!