Monday, April 14, 2014

You are hairy, like animal.

Alex: "Mom, is it wrong that I can't wait to get hair on my back??"
Me: "Yes, sweetie. That is oh so very wrong. LOL."

Today was Shot #2 of testosterone. Alex once again gave it to himself, I just supervised to make sure he followed the directions. Since Shot#1 we haven't seen much of a change. Sure, he's moody....but welcome to 16....not really able to tell if it has increased because of the shot or if it's just HIM. Increase in appetite? Sure, but let's just say...he ate like a full grown man prior to the treatment, so way to tell. I've been attempting to get him moving as much as I can, whether it is a walk in the park or doing yard work , he isn't happy about it but knows why I'm pushing. 

He and Taylor are still together and it's been about a month now. She comes over at least once a week, it would be more but they live about an hour away.

Alex and I also Ran/Walked The VA War Memorial 5K on Saturday.

 So this is the first day of Spring Break. Wooohooo. Too bad we're broke. Story of my life people.

Alex's Re-Play of the Day.
Fiona Apple~ Sleep To Dream

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