Saturday, October 25, 2014

The genital question or "We're you raised by wolves?"

(uh, inappropriate much?)

Xander had an incident this week at school. It involved a rude comment and an inappropriate touch by a girl. He texted me when it happened and I was pissed. I immediately e-mailed guidance and asked them to look into it. To my surprise it was handled right away and all the teachers involved were as dismayed as I was. I got great feedback from the administration and was assured that it would be documented and any other incidents would not be tolerated. Xander was satisfied and just wanted to move on. I'm hopeful that this was an isolated incident and he can just be go back to blending in.

I finally pulled the trigger and went to the military with the name change AND gender change. A few individuals had mentioned to me that it wasn't wise to do so. I thought about it and decided that I would rather fight them for services than be liable for fraud. My choice. So we got Xander a new military ID and changed everything with TriCare. I have yet to venture into the system and find out how the hell we are going to work this ( a gendered male but um, I need a pap smear please...) but I'll let you know when it happens.

Tonight is the Homecoming Dance for Xander. Taylor came over early and they are doing that "we're together but we're both on our cell phones" thing that drives me insane. It's fine, I mean they're happy and not hurting anybody so no big deal.

Xander has stopped taking the seizure medication after titrating down for almost 2 months. So far, knock on wood, no seizures. Let's hope they never return.

Our next appointment with the Endo is in two weeks. I guess Xander is hoping she will increase his dose again. We've been at .5 for awhile so we'll see what she says. He is still giving himself his shots on Sunday nights and splits the dose between two needles so that he doesn't get a big lump under his skin. 

Let me just say that since the top surgery, so much of the turmoil and anxiety that plagued him has gone. His grades are excellent this school year and , even better, he CARES about them. He gets UPSET when he doesn't do as well as he would like. It's miraculous and I couldn't be prouder.

Anyway, I just wanted to check in. I'll post again with the results of the Endo appointment. 

Xander's re-play of the day
Stay High ~ Tove Lo

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