Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Another two weeks flies by.

Wow, it's been 2 weeks already. It hasn't flown by but I definitely lost track. 

Alex has had some issues with anger and moodiness but we are working through them as best we can. His appetite is still huge and he always heads straight for the calorie dense, nutrient lacking foods. I fear for his health but all I can do is nudge him in the right direction. He is gaining weight and at this rate, he will be obese by the end of the summer. I guess it's a lot like addiction, you have to hit your bottom and be motivated to change. No one can MAKE you do it. It just hurts me to see the direction he's headed. I've been there, I know what a miserable place it is.

The last 2 week interval shot is on the 12th. After that it will be weekly. We haven't seen a huge difference yet i.e.: facial hair, etc. but once the dosage is doubled, I expect things to speed up.

In other news, ROSMY made a special service announcement awhile ago. They asked kids from the program to speak on it. Alex ( Xander ) is in it starting at 00:12.

Alex's re-play of the day
Shakira ~ Empire

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