Friday, May 16, 2014

Graduation, grandparents and some new, odd symptoms.

Hello Trans* followers. Here is our family related news of the last 10 days.

My Mom flew in on the 7th to attend my graduation ( Finally completed my BSc!) and although she is aware of Alex's journey, she has yet to really come to terms with it. Transitioning is confusing for some people. They seem to get stuck on the "why?" and can't completely absorb that he was born in the wrong body. It's not good or bad, acceptance can vary, and as long as there is support.... it's all good. My Dad arrived on Saturday. He usually drives up but this time he took the train. I only told him about Alex's transitioning in April so it's newer for him. He definitely doesn't understand but has no issue with the process. He is more concerned that Alex won't be able to function in the world ( go to college, get a job, etc) and that people will KNOW he's a woman. For him it's about fooling other people, he doesn't think Alex will pass as a man. It's a conversation that I'm sure we will have many more times. Ha!
Dad with Alex

Alex is still having anger issues and the appetite is still there as well. He sleeps whenever he isn't vertical. Acne explosion, both facial and body. Face and body washes don't help much. A new development has been some light-headedness and nausea during the day. He has also reported weird feelings in some joints/hands. Symptoms of testosterone use, his body is changing. I'm worried about the head issues because there IS brain GROWTH associated with FtM HRT. BRAIN GROWTH. Could this be what's causing the headaches and light-headedness? Unknown at this point. I will monitor its progression and just make sure he is hydrated at all times. We see Dr. Penn on the 26th so, unless there are dire symptom increases, we will wait till then to be seen. 

Alex and Taylor are still together. Annual Alternate Prom is tomorrow up in Richmond, it is thrown by ROSMY and this will be Alex's first year attending. We got him a dress-up outfit that he's happy with and I will go tomorrow to pick up his corsage for Taylor. I'll definitely take some pictures to post!

Group therapy is coming to an end, we graduate out of it next Tuesday (yay!). He will continue seeing his weekly therapist indefinitely. 

Alex with Nanny and Grampy. May 11, 2014

Alex's Re-Play of the day
Beyonce ~ Partition

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