Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June crept up on me.

Wow, my last post was mid-May and I have been meaning to sit down since then but well, it just doesn't happen sometimes.

In a nutshell, Alex is doing well. He has graduated from the DBT group program and now just sees his therapist every two weeks. We have since discontinued the Celexa and are starting step-down on the Abilify. By the end of June he should be free of all meds except for the Ethosuximide. I am very happy about this. I agree that there is a time when meds help tremendously but I feel these drugs are unneeded now.  Last week Alex was seen by the Neuro as well, he hadn't seen this doc for almost a year and a half. It was a bit of a surprise but he accepted Alex's transformation and suggested we wait until August to start decreasing the Ethosuximide. We are scheduled for a new EEG July 22. He wants to compare it to a previous EEG. I'm nervous about this one. He has been seizure free for about 5-6 years and I'm terrified that they will re-appear if we decrease the dosage. The doctor thinks its time to try so I'm relying on his expertise. Fingers crossed.

Testosterone shots have moved from bi-weekly to weekly. We had a follow-up with the Endo and she answered questions from both Alex and I. All of the "side effects" that Alex is experiencing are normal. They pulled some blood for levels, gave us a bag of syringes and sent us on our way. 

The anger and aggression we had early on seems to be more localized around shot days now. We did suffer through another cycle but it was fairly short ( 3 days ) so I am hopeful that in a few more months these will desist completely.

Summer is just about here and Alex is looking forward to getting a job, getting a drivers license and spending more time in bed in the morning! We are leaving for the Philly Transgender Conference on the 13th and I am really excited. This will be our first immersion event and I will be absorbing as much info as is humanly possible! 


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