Xander has been doing very well since the surgery. He stopped taking the pain meds last Monday and finished up his antibiotic on Wednesday. He hasn't needed my help showering for a few days but I still dress his incisions and help him get the binder back on. Wound healing is good except for the right nipple, it's still pretty angry. The skin has begun peeling off but the nipple itself will be fine. It's just gross and makes Xander nervous. Ha!

The kids from Rosmy sent Xander a Get Well card!
Wearing a T-shirt for the first time.
New Glasses!
He loves the way shirts look now. It will be such a relief when he can wear one without the binder underneath. That day will be September 11.
I have definitely noticed a difference in his demeanor since surgery. It's always hard to tell at this age what is driving his behaviors. Is it gender related or is it just being 17? Sometimes its hard to tell. Also with the addition of a higher dose of testosterone we are back to increases in aggression and irritability. It will take a month or more for that to level out.
So, coming up we have the surgical follow-up on the 26th. He also has a follow-up with Children's Neurology on the 25th. The doc will have a look at the EEG we just had done and evaluate whether or not Xander can be weaned off of his seizure med. Xander started having ABSENCE seizures around 9 years old.
With the start of school fast approaching I am nervous and excited for him. I am hoping that his last year in high school will be uneventful and even (gasp!) enjoyable. A mother can hope, right?
Xander's Re-Play of the Day
Knife Party ~ Centipede
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