Thursday, January 16, 2014

It snowed?...oh, i hadn't noticed....

I'm just sitting here making notes to myself because I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Alex's name change ( comes with so many other changes. It isn't JUST a matter of changing the name, this name effects so much more than just the person. Once Trip ( the doc) gives us the GID diagnosis, I will be going through the court system to get a name change and a marker change. Marker means going from F to M on all documentation. Ok, so once that is changed I also have to change *school registration paperwork * drivers license * passport * birth certificate * military ID ( unknown if this can even be done) <<<< this last one is a real bitch because now I'm searching the internet thinking, This kid could lose Tricare because of a name/gender change! Then what?! I know that Tricare will NOT cover anything transgender related even before any changes but the kid still needs basic healthcare. Don't panic yet. I was given the name of a local Endocrinologist ( last night, one that is used by much of the LGBTQ community. His website says he takes Tricare. Bad wheels are turning in my head. ~ Um, it would be wrong to try and get the kid in there to see him under the ruse of some other malady???~ yes, it would. You'll go to jail for fraud. Errrrrrrggggggg! Okay.....think. Gah, I don't know. If Tricare covers nothing or disenrolls him completely after the marker change......then what? All of the therapy he attends is covered by Tricare, med checks and medications. I'm terrified to go to the Tricare office and discuss this with someone but it looks like I'm going to have to next week, I need to be prepared.
Medical things aside. The whole dynamic of going back to school next year is making my anxiety go through the roof. Alex comes home with class selection paperwork for next year. There are the normal classes like Stats, Bio, English, Theater and there is a class designated BOYS ONLY. It's a multiple sport PE class. "I want to take this Mom" ........... I WANT him to be able to take it brain runs through scenarios of groups of angry boys playing tackle football with my newly transgendered son, who still has ALL the lady parts ...which can be groped and touched and I get so mad. He doesn't consider these scenarios but that's because he is gentle and good and wouldn't dream of doing those things to anyone. I'm not sure if he wants to take the class on principal or if he really wants to play all of those sports only offered to boys. There is a co-ed option, I say. I hate that I am trying to take this BOYS ONLY choice away. I want him to be able to make that choice, either way, on his own. Do I fight this battle? Unknown at this point. The second pressing issue will be : non-gender specific bathrooms. There are 3 in this school, all near the front office. With a marker change, we have been told by others that they will not let him use either male or female, only the neutral ones. With 3 minutes between classes how is this kid supposed to pee during the day without being late for class? He takes meds, he needs to drink water. This battle may require a lawyer to be present. I told a lady at the support meeting last night, My kid will be viewed by the administration as "that pain in the ass" I am sure. Do I care? Fuck no. I do want to say that there are a few teachers and Alex's guidance counselor who are fantastic. It's those people that I am hoping will help to make this transition easier in the school environment.
So, I have class today, Vert. Histology lab. It runs from 4-6pm. This will be a problem because we have support meetings tonight starting at 6pm. and it's 40 minutes away. (big sigh ) It will be my first HeSheZeWe meeting, which is trans parents only. I'm excited. There is so much I DONT know yet and being the super efficient person I am, I need to know it all NOW. For this same reason I am planning on going to Phillidelphia in June for the 13th annual Trans Health Conference ( Knowledge is power and I wanna be the Darth Vader of the Trans parent community!!! Ha!

Snow! Yay, school isn't cancelled!

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