Sunday, February 23, 2014

Priorities and Goal Setting or Mom's OCD kills Everyone

It's not a secret, I'm an avid control-freak. I tend to micro-manage events as small as how the dishwasher is loaded, how the dog is fed and which way the tp comes off the roll. And even though my brain defaults to this particular crazy everytime, I consider myself to be 'easy going' and 'flexible'. Yeah, ok. When it comes to Alex, this mindset is throttled on a daily basis. An example would be school. I know that you can not get anywhere in life without some kind of education. There are peers of mine with bachelors degrees serving the public at drive thrus all over town. The more educated you are, the better chance you have of getting a good job. That's a fact in my world. I have always stressed that to my kid, he sees me working to better myself even now. He's failing. And I believe it's for multiple reasons. The last 2 years has been difficult at best. His mind could not focus on anything but the changes he was going through. I honestly believe that. And where good grades in school had been a necessity, they soon lost some of that urgency. My push for A's and B's digressed to "a C is great honey!" Honestly, the other challenges just plain out-weighed the need for Honor Roll. So, here we are, 2 years later and semi-stable. The grades have not improved. Should I push harder and expect more? He has no interest in any of his classes, no drive to work harder to keep up, no ambition to excel. I've tried goal setting and time management, ordering and threats, prizes and praise. Nothing makes a difference. School apathy. BUT, he dreams of a fantastical life where he will have a wondrous apartment, full of animals and video games with a shiny new mini-Cooper to drive around in. Possibly in France. He will fail Algebra this year. Luckily he can re-take it next year without any bad effects. Hopefully he will pass the rest of his classes because summer school runs $400 a class and will negate anything fun in July. I have sad face. 

The latest obsession is the 'driving' and the 'i want a car'. Joe has taught Alex the wonder that is CraigsList and now I have 2 men staring at computers hours on end. Alex to Dad ~ " This one is perfect! And it's beautiful and cool and swag. Don't you just LOVE it???! Can we buy it yesterday? I know it's 40 billionty dollars but that's ok because you have a debit card. Cmon let's go!" Dad to Alex ~ " $%#*&$%!@#$. and No. I will only accept a small truck or sedan that is old and ugly as all hell that won't jack my insurance up." Cue the arguing and rolling of eyes, followed by the anger and glaring. Too much fun. I don't get involved.
This is my pick. Ha!

TRANSPARENT  ~ Transparent stars Jeffrey Tambor as the titular character, Maura, a trans woman coming out late in life and trying to share her authentic self with her dysfunctional family, including her selfish children and ex-wife.

Alex's replay of the day.

Cat Power: Sea of Love

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