Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thumbs UP!

Today was the big day. Endocrinologist appointment. Traffic was awful and I was glad we left early. The office was full of flyers for children's diabetes, I hoped silently that this was the place we wanted to be. I had to trust the GP's recommendation. I filled out the obligatory paperwork and Alex had his vitals done. We were both very nervous. * side note: My husband came along. He is making the effort to understand the process. This is very difficult for him. An effort is all we can ask for right now. ~ We spoke with Dr. X and nervously outlined what we were looking for, giving him a brief history and a future outlook plan. He was very pleasant and smiling the whole time. After some standard questions about Alex's cycle and general health, he informed us that Dr. Y was the one who we needed to talk with. Dr. Y was actually the doctor I had found on the internet and requested from the GP. I guess she had no openings which is why we were scheduled with one of her partners. Dr. Y came in. She's perfect. She knows exactly where we want to be and how to get us there. She did a physical exam of Alex and we had some blood drawn. We also had to go to radiology and get a bone age x-ray. On March 17 we go back to review the blood work and bone scan. If all is good then we will proceed with HRT. These will consist of subcutaneous shots of T bi-weekly at first. This is much sooner than I had expected. I was sure we would be looking at the end of the summer...or later. Alex is happy and, although the thought of shots is unappealing, he is resolved to do whatever it takes to get started with his transition.
Tonight we have Rosmy and I have a support group meeting as well. I'll be dragging my husband along as I think it's time he starts socializing with others like us. It may help.....I hope he can keep an open mind. We'll see.

ROSMY ~ Richmond

1 comment:

  1. Great news for you all. One step at a time. So happy to hear things are moving in the right direction for now. Love your updates.
