Sunday, February 21, 2016

Nuclear Ovaries!

Go Fund Me

My Xander.

It's been almost a year since I last posted. Crazy that it has flown by so quickly. With Xander starting college last August and working and just life in general, the internet has not seemed a priority.

Medically we have run into some roadblocks. Xander has been suffering with "cycling" pain. Even though he doesn't have a period anymore, he still "cycles" and the ovaries cause him some really tremendous pain. The release of the female hormones also destabilize him quite a bit and he becomes depressed and anxious, it's really just like PMS used to be as a girl. I took him in to be seen about it, checking to make sure there was no physiological reason for the pain. He got an ultrasound and it was normal. And yet, the pain came back. I took him back in and the PA was fantastic and we talked about oophorectomy. She put in a referral for him to be seen at the Naval Med Center ( they have surgeons) so we could discuss this further.  
The referral that I get in the mail is an outsource doctors office. I spend days speaking to different Tricare reps trying to get them to understand that we need to go to the Navy Med Center. Every one of them explains that transgender transition surgeries are NOT covered and they will not participate in any surgery to that end. It's about PAIN, not transitioning. Didn't matter how many times I said it or who I talked to...they all said the same thing. We aren't covering it.
Ok, still needs to be done. He's in pain and I am the MOM. We will get this done. 
Unfortunately, I am not able at this exact moment to be in full "MAMA bear" mode. I have huge stressors at school right now and my head in just elsewhere. Days roll by and I know he is feeling like this really important thing is being dismissed by me. I wake up the other day and, as part of my morning routine, check my Facebook on my phone. He has made a GoFundMe page. I feel like the worst mom ever.
Anyway, we are moving forward. I'm setting up an appointment with a private GYN in Richmond for a consultation. I'm not sure what this whole thing will cost but Xander is determined to pay for most of it himself.  He has picked up extra nights at WalMart ( which I don't like, keeps him out too late during the school week) but he is juggling a full time school schedule, work and having a social life. 
So that's our new adventure. I'll post as we work through the whole process.

Sia and James Cordon. Funny.

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